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Eastern Spotlight: “Meeting Mwingi North’s Beacon of Hope” – Hannah Kiva

Katangini JSS front entrance

In the heart of Mwingi North, where the land stretches dry and vast, a beacon of hope emerged in the form of a headteacher determined to bring change. His passion for the digital world was infectious—so much so that he reached out to us, a rare occurrence in our work. Ordinarily, we approach schools to schedule onboarding sessions, but this time, the tables turned.

Imagine traveling for hours, across towns and counties, braving rough roads and scorching heat, only to be welcomed by an ecstatic headteacher who had been waiting eagerly for this day! The moment I stepped into Katangini Primary, I was met with pure joy. The headteacher, almost overwhelmed with excitement, could barely contain himself. He knew what this onboarding meant for his teachers, for his students, and for the future of his school.

Katangini Classrooms

The enthusiasm didn’t stop there. As we set up for the training session, another teacher walked in—not from Katangini, but from Kalatine Primary. The headteacher had personally invited him, spreading the fire of transformation beyond his own school. This was no longer just an onboarding session; it was a movement!

The energy in the room was electric. The teachers were eager, engaged, and ready to embrace a new way of teaching. Laughter, questions, and curiosity filled the air as we explored the Kurasa platform. The headteacher watched proudly, knowing that his decision to embrace change would impact generations to come.

His belief in the power of digital transformation was unwavering. “Change has to start with one person,” he said with conviction, choosing to be the pioneer in his region. He didn’t just stop at his school; he took it upon himself to invite a teacher from a neighboring school, Kalatine Primary, ensuring that empowerment did not stop at his doorstep.

Hannah Kiva poses with the teachers and students after an insightful onboarding and tour.

It was a testament to the fact that true leadership is not about waiting for change but being the force that drives it. His willingness to go the extra mile, to welcome innovation into his school, was a reminder that no matter how remote a place may be, progress is always within reach when the right mindset leads the way.

This is what Kurasa is all about—breaking barriers, empowering educators, and ensuring that no school, no matter how remote, is left behind in the digital age. And this? This was just the beginning.

So much gratitude to Mr. William for his commitment extending far beyond academics. He is devotion to nurturing morally upright and disciplined students, creating an environment that encourages them to aspire beyond their current circumstances. His dedication and vision align perfectly with Kurasa’s mission to empower schools and uplift communities.

Minutes before the Kurasa demo, the teachers were eager to see how the workspace can improve their daily routine in classroom management

In a world where challenges often seem insurmountable, Mr. William shines as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that with determination and the right mindset, even the toughest obstacles can be conquered. Katangini Primary is more than just a school—it stands as a testament to resilience, passion, and the transformative power of education

About the Author:

Hannah Kiva is the Eastern Regional lead and has been working closely with Kurasa Africa to establish trust and visibility with educators and schools within the region. Eastern is a vast region that includes the hilly Meru county down to the plains in Kitui and we are honored to support each school within this region through her.

Yet to activate your Kurasa Workspace? Whatsapp our Hotline on +254 20 8000208 to transform your school today!

Stacey Nduta
Stacey Nduta

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