An administrator is a key figure who is responsible for overseeing and managing various aspects of the educational platform.
The admin holds distinct and exclusive rights granting them special privileges that set them apart from other users.
1. Settings Management
- Managing the workspace settings
- View and update workspace details
2. Users Management
- Adding users to the workspace
- View a list of all users in the workspace
- View pending invites of the added users
- Deleting users from the workspace.
3. Test Management
- Creating new tests
- View all the test groups
- View summative marklist.
- Delete a Test Group.
4. Learner Management
- Adding a new Learner
- Editing Learner details/profile
- Linking a Learner to the guardian
- View assessment, reports and timeline
5 Classroom Management
- Creating a new classroom.
- Manage the classrooms.
6. Schemes
- View a List of all schemes created by the subject teachers in the workspace.
7. Lesson plan
- View List of all lesson plans created by the subject teachers in the workspace.